Welcome to Computer Literacy

This class will prepare you for the IC3 industry certification and teach you useful MS Office skills. You will have the opportunity to earn the IC3 Global Standard 6 certification. Kentucky only requires your to pass the level 2 exam but you are encouraged to also attempt the level 3 exam. See the following documents for the objective domains of these levels.

We will use Modern Classroom practices that provide blended instruction, self-paced structures, and mastery-based grading.


  • GCF to introduce MS Office topics
  • SAM for practice and testing MS Office topics
  • Northstar to demonstrate your digital literacy skills
  • LearnKey to review IC3 topics
  • GMetrix to practice for the IC3 exams
  • Projects on Canvas to demonstrate your skills and creativity


  1. An introduction to digital citizenship, computer hardware, and a comparison of popular office suites. These suites include Office365 on the desktop, Office365 in the cloud, the Google suite, and Libre Office.
  2. Microsoft Word and prepare for the IC3 Level 1 exam. This unit will provide hands-on activities with Word. You will also learn about the IC3 level 1 domains of technology basics, digital citizenship, information management, content creation, communcation, collaboration, safety, and security. The IC3 level 1 certification will be your fall final.
  3. Microsoft PowerPoint and prepare for the IC3 Level 2 exam. This unit will provide hands-on activities with PowerPoint. You will also learn about the IC3 level 2 domains.
  4. Microsoft Excel and the IC3 level 2 certification. This unit will provide hands-on activities with Excel. You also practice for the IC3 level 2 certification exam. This certification will be your spring final.

Most students have already used portions of the Microsoft suite but they will expand their skills in this class. I have used these applications for many years and learned a lot while teaching this class!

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